Events for Process Servers in 2023
- January 09, 2023
- by ServeNow Staff
With the new year upon us, many process servers are planning their yearly expenses and deciding what events they will attend. While not all events are published in advance, process servers can weigh their options of what’s available and make decisions about what events will be worthwhile for them.
Please contact us if your event isn't included in the following list of upcoming 2023 events for process servers!
Annual Association Events
Being familiar with and active in your local process serving community will help you keep a leg up on those who aren’t in-the-know. Process server associations are created to promote integrity, knowledge, and professionalism in the industry. Attend your state or local area association events to be apprised of new changes in legislation, local issues, and even upcoming technology.
APSA Annual Meeting
When: TBD 2023
The Arizona Process Server Association plans to hold an annual meeting in 2023, but exact details are to be determined. Please visit their website for more information.
CALSPRO 55th Annual Conference
When: September 22-24, 2023
The California Association of Legal Support Professionals will be holding a conference in September at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.
NYSPPSA 18th Annual Convention
When: November 5, 2023
The New York State Professional Process Servers Association will be holding a convention in November. They also offer comprehensive education and certification programs throughout the year.
MAAPPS 14th Annual Conference
When: TBD 2023
Please visit the Mid-Atlantic Association of Professional Process Servers website for more information on the annual conference. The 13th annual conference was just held in December 2022, so look for this event in the latter half of 2023.
Brush Up on Training
Whether your state requires continued education for licensure or you just want to stay current and fresh on the skills needed to be an efficient, effective process server, you may want to check out these training sessions.
Florida Association of Professional Process Servers Training/Education Seminars
Please visit the FAPPS website for upcoming training sessions in 2023.
Inland NorthWest Private Investigators Association (INWPIA) Training
INWPIA offers continuing education courses and training throughout the year. Visit their website to learn more.
Process Server Training Session by PSACO
The Process Server Association of Colorado holds training sessions and certification courses throughout the year in person and via Zoom. Visit their events page to learn more.
Texas Process Servers Association
Since Texas has an educational requirement for licensure, the state association offers a number of training opportunities. Please visit their website for more information on upcoming sessions.
Please note that this list of events may not be exhaustive. Though we reached out to process server associations, this list of events includes only events we located through research and of which we were informed prior to publishing. Be sure to check back here and with your state association for the most current and updated information on upcoming events, training sessions, and meetings!
Join the Discussion
Do you have a process server event happening in 2023? Share your experience by joining our groups on LinkedIn and Facebook or contact us.